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Retail Operations Manager
The job role of Retail Operations Manager generally sits within the head office of the fashion retailer, although the role can also be based on the road. A Retail Operations Manager will be in charge of a retail operations team and in order to get to this level of management in fashion you will need extensive experience within the fashion retail environment at a senior level.
The job of a Retail Operations Manager will be working with the senior retail team of the fashion brand to clarify the strategy and objectives translating it into a clear and deliverable department plan that delivers measurable business benefit and fits within the agreed budget of the fashion retailer. The Retail Operations Manager is accountable for the delivery of the fashion retail sales department plan by 'leading' the retail operations team and maximising their performance.
A Retail Operations Manager's job responsibilities involve working with the senior retail team to clarify strategy and objectives and translate it into a clear and deliverable plan. The Retail Operations Manager will lead and motivate the retail operations team of the fashion brand to deliver the plan, constantly reviewing capability and capacity to ensure objectives are delivered, individuals grow, and a succession plan is in place. Balancing the requirements of the senior retail team within the fashion brand with the practical reality of retail store management needs and ensuring all retail plans have considered the reality of 'store world' are also the responsibility of the Retail Operations Manager.
If you would like to seach or apply for an operations manager job, please click one of the below links.