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Sales Assistant


Employer: Inditex Group

Salary: Attractive

Reference: SA - RAL24/272

Date added: About 1 week ago

Inditex will be looking to meet and discuss Sales Assistant opportunities face to face at the Retail Appointment Live event on the 19th and 20th of September at the Royal National Hotel in Russel Sq., London.

Why you should attend the only Job Show for retail and hospitality

A FREE event for anyone looking for a new job or training opportunity.

You can learn more about the employers. Employers can learn more about you!
Talk to 30+ relevant employers face to face
Boost your chances of being hired by adding a personality to your CV
Hand your CV directly to hiring managers
On the spot interview opportunities
Thousands of jobs and courses available. From senior positions, to mid-level roles, to entry level, graduate schemes, traineeships, and apprenticeships

You can turn up to the event at a time of your choice between:

Thursday 19th 12 noon - 5pm
Friday 20th 10am – 3pm

Please follow the link to register your interest and gain fast access.

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Contact Centre Service Adviser

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