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Visual Merchandiser

Inditex will be looking to meet and discuss Visual Merchandiser opportunities face to face at the Retail Appointment Live event on the 19th and 20th of September at the Royal National Hotel in Russel Sq., London. Why you should attend the only Job Show for retail and hospitality A FREE event for...

Employer: Inditex Group

Salary: Attractive

Reference: VM - RAL24/272

Date added: 6 days ago

Retail Manager

Inditex will be looking to meet and discuss Retail Manager opportunities face to face at the Retail Appointment Live event on the 19th and 20th of September at the Royal National Hotel in Russel Sq., London. Why you should attend the only Job Show for retail and hospitality A FREE event for...

Employer: Inditex Group

Salary: Attractive

Reference: RM - RAL24/272

Date added: 6 days ago

Sales Assistant

Inditex will be looking to meet and discuss Sales Assistant opportunities face to face at the Retail Appointment Live event on the 19th and 20th of September at the Royal National Hotel in Russel Sq., London. Why you should attend the only Job Show for retail and hospitality A FREE event for...

Employer: Inditex Group

Salary: Attractive

Reference: SA - RAL24/272

Date added: 6 days ago


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