Schuh has teamed up with Recyclatex to launch a new initiative that will encourage customers to recycle their unwanted shoes.

The programme is called Sell your Soles, and will see customers being offered a £5 voucher for every pair of shoes that they donate, which can then be redeemed against a full price purchase. 

It will role out across Schuh’s 130 stores in the UK and Ireland in a bid to operate more sustainably.  Recyclatex will collect the shoes donated on a weekly basis, with the aim that 98% of all materials will be recycled.

Recyclatex will make a payment to Schuh for every tonne collected.  This payment will then be made to Schuh’s charity of choice, World Land Trust.

Colin Temple, managing director of Schuh, said: “As a fashion retailer, we recognise the importance of protecting the environment and are on a mission to proactively find new ways to operate sustainably. We are delighted to roll out Sell Your Soles in partnership with Recyclatex, giving customers across all regions an accessible way to recycle their end of life shoes with confidence.”