Weekday has been piloting an offer of custom-made jeans for shoppers.

The brand worked with H&M innovation hub The Laboratory to allow customers to be body-scanned and offered a selection of customisation options to design their perfect pair of jeans.

The process takes 10 days from customer scan and customising to delivery.  The jeans are produced in H&M’s partner factories.  Customers can then try their customized jeans and provide feedback on the end product.

H&M group also partnered with Unspun, which created an algorithm for a perfect fit.  The algorithm converts the body scan into a paper pattern and measurement list that is production ready.

The retailer aimed to complete the pilot with a customer satisfaction rate of 65%, but ended up with a rate of 85%, with customers saying that they were “very pleased” with their customised jeans.

Laura Coppen, sustainable and circular business developer at The Laboratory, said: “I’m an optimist but I had some skepticism on how all the pieces of the puzzle of this model would fit together as we go live. Therefore, I’m really happy to see that the result outperformed our expectations. Due to the positive result, we will scale the pilot to an in-store experience. We will likely have more styles and other features based on the customers feedback.”