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How to prepare and ace your next Video interview

Video interview

Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet and Skype to name a few! 


We have put together some of our best hints and tips to help you prepare for any upcoming interviews:

# PREPARATION: This still stands whether it is face to face or video! Research the company, look in to detail at the role, and also research the people who are interviewing you. Get a list of questions you want to ask too.

#LOCATION: Always ensure you are in a quiet, clean space - check your surrounding area before starting the interview, nothing embarrassing in the background! Also it’s really important to make sure the lighting is good, if it is a sunny day make sure there is no glare!

#DRESSCODE: Dress for the role and company you are applying for! Even though it is mainly your head in the screen, how you dress will also help your mind-set and give a good first impression.

#TEST RUN: Always test the software, either with a friend/family member or a recruiter to see if it works well and all updates are installed. Also check how you appear on the screen, don’t be too close or too far. Make sure you know how the mic works and that you have sound.

#WATER: Always keep a glass to hand; you never know when you may need it.

#TECHNICAL: With anything online, don’t panic if something happens with the connection – it is usually fixable. Also remember sometimes there could be a sound delay when people are talking.

#TIME: Like the ‘usual’ interview, join the meeting room a few minutes early – that will also minimise any connection waiting times, you don’t want to keep your interviewer waiting.

#RELAX & ENJOY: Make sure you take a deep breath when you join the meeting, even though it is online it will still be a natural conversation, also doing your preparation will help this bit too!

Now is your time to shine!