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What makes a superstar retail employee?

Approximately 500 small-to-medium sized firms from every sector have listed the qualities they say makes a superstar employee in a new survey from conference calling provider, Conference Genie and the results may surprise you. From this survey, we look at what managers from the retail sector see as the qualities of a true superstar employee.



Nearly a third of retail managers (32%) said that a superstar employee would be pro-active, although resilience was listed as the least important factor. Retailers want an employee who can go out and grab opportunities to improve themselves and the business, with 64% of the respondents saying they would prefer someone who constantly pushes to achieve more than someone happy to progress at a natural rate.


A team player

Over half (58%) of retail managers value an amazing team player more than a clear leader. However, 52% of managers would also prefer someone who challenges the status quo as opposed to someone who is happy to coast along with things the way they are.


Working after hours

Interestingly (and going against the general UK opinion), retail managers admit a superstar employee is one who works over their hours to complete a task instead of being efficient enough to complete it within the given hours. Additionally, (and going against every other industry), retail managers admit that those employees who take on every task to ensure it is completed to a great standard are those who show superstar flare (53%) instead of those who can effectively delegate tasks.