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Ace your interview #6

Have you ever had a bad experience with an employer?

Hopefully the answer to this question is no and you have enjoyed the roles and companies you have worked in. If this is the case, try to briefly describe the great things you liked about each company that also showcase your skill set for example:– I enjoyed being able to develop my supervisor to assistant manager with my first employer as they were heavily supportive of internal progression; I loved honing my commercial skills in my last role.

However, since the last recession, lots of people have worked for employers whose stores were closed, stock was short, companies went into administration and then bought by a new owner etc. It is important to focus on the positive side of this – the experience you gain from it and the positive outlook that you kept. I interviewed one candidate recently who was rightly proud of the fact that she kept most of her team until the day the store closed but had also supported them in writing CVs and practising interviews so they had roles to go to when the store closed. This showed her loyalty to her employer, her loyalty to her team and her loyalty to her regular customers. Who wouldn’t want to employ someone that shows such loyalty and strength of character in such adversity?

The important aspect to remember here is to look at your attitude toward a bad experience. Focus on how you are able to handle a bad situation / a conflict situation and remain positive and focused on a good outcome.