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Ace your interview #5

Ace your interview #5

Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?

This question is always interesting and is an ever-present when it comes to interviews. Normally asked at the end of the interview it can be used as a real gauge of the candidates perception of the business and their future in it…

I would always suggest an honest and realistic view which shows ambition within the company. Make sure you have researched possible avenues that you could take and what is a passion and interest of yours so you can speak with confidence that this is where you would like your career to go. Stay away from unrealistic targets and general answers that can be used in any interview, if you can use an example then great or before the question is put to you try and ask where the interviewers career path has been to relate to this.

First and foremost a recognition of making a success of the job you are applying for is the first priority and it is then after this that other success’s and progression will follow.