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Going from store to consultancy...

"I started my retail career within supermarkets and large electrical retail stores. Eight years ago I had the opportunity to change my career direction and I joined RHR as a recruitment consultant. I was able to utilise my previous retail experience to help understand the roles we are recruiting for. Now eight years on, I manage the retail and hospitality teams in our London office and I have never looked back. All of our current consultants started off just like myself and we are now looking for driven and motivated people to join RHR.

"If you are currently working in retail and not sure where your next step should take you, then we’d love to talk to you on our stand at The Retail Appointment Live event. Whether you are interested in a career with RHR or finding your next move in retail operations or head office, come and say hello; our friendly and experienced team will be on hand to give you advice and can support you in your search, whatever your chosen career path."