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What distracts you?

The Bank of England said recently that it had no idea why the UK's productivity levels were so low. It has many theories, such as measurement errors, a decline in key sector outputs and slow workers and production lines although even combining the possibilities the paper¹s authors say they can only explain less than 10% of the total figure.

Being helpful types at the Retail Appointment, we decided to lend the bank a hand by conducting our own study, which you can help with by taking our one-click poll here and telling us which of these you find most distracting:

Social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc)
News websites
Entertainment sites (Buzzfeed, The Poke, YouTube etc)
Your colleagues
Online shopping (Ebay, Amazon etc)
Thinking about lunch
Do you have something else that you find distracting at work? Let us know in the comments!