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Interview tips: Ask the boss

My top tip is do your research on the job and the company before you apply. Don’t just go for anything; go for roles that you could get really passionate about. The difference between being 'good' and being 'the best' will always come down to having that passion. For me, a real love of the brand makes the biggest difference when interviewing someone.

Most people will have elements of their job that are less interesting or even have a bad day at work from time to time (apart from me)! But when you are truly excited and inspired by your brand, even those days makes sense! Plus, if you spend some time finding out a bit about the company it'll put you in a much more comfortable and confident position when it comes to the day of the interview itself.

My second tip is to just be yourself. If the fit between the company and the individual isn’t right to start with then it probably never will be. You owe it to yourself to work in an environment where you can develop and flourish, so choose carefully, because you can't fake that kind of passion.

Tip number three is simply to turn up! Most people feel apprehensive before interviews and where group interviews or assessment centres are concerned, stress levels can rise even more. It is amazing how many candidates don’t turn up on the day at all. Remember, you are not alone. Give yourself plenty of time to get there and remember that if you don’t turn up you’ll never get the job.

Finally, reflection on how you performed on the day is healthy but don’t over analyse and beat yourself up too much. No one is perfect; it doesn’t exist, so just do your best!