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There's never been a better time to move jobs!

There's never been a better time to move jobs

With the economy looking up and summer in the air, there's never been a better time to switch jobs, especially as the latest Recruitment and Employment Confederation reports suggests that wages for new staff are rising at their fastest rate in nearly seven years!

The results of the REC salary survey, which reveal a sharp growth in salaries along with a dearth of qualified candidates, is not surprising given the overall tightening of the labour market which has been well reported. This is certainly the case in the retail industry where movement amongst managers and professionals is well above its pre-2008 peak.

Opportunities in our industry for career advancement have never been better. There is a clear confidence across the retail sector where employers across the UK are now looking to hire new staff, grow their business and support what is a much-strengthened economy.

However, if you are looking to move jobs then beware of the counter offer. You have finally plucked up enough courage to find another better job and, after you hand in your notice your boss offers you another £10k on your salary. Don’t fall for it. 70% of all employees who resign and then accept a counter offer by their current employer end up leaving in six months anyway.

If you were worth the extra money ask yourself; why weren’t they paying that anyway? This is just expediency for the employer and will almost always end in tears.