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Whats on in January?

It's nice to plan ahead, so to help you out we have a round up of some of the key events coming up in the retail and fashion industries next month. If you're running an event and would like it featured just contact us.

06th-08th January 2014

London Collections: Men The Hospital Club, London www.londoncollections.co.uk

London kick starts the menswear calendar with a biannual showcase of British brands and businesses embedded in a cultural programme. London Collections: Men emphasises both the creative and commercial importance of Britain’s brands and emerging talent as well as the rich cultural landscape that contributes to the inspiration and success of this sector. All events on the schedule are designed to showcase the breadth of British fashion talent, from the world’s most innovative emerging talents to global menswear brands and Savile Row tailors.

12th – 15th January 2014

Retail’s BIG Show 2014 www.bigshow14.nrf.com

Retail's BIG Show connects retail solution providers with retail executives searching for the most effective solutions, tools and technologies. Network with your existing customers and connect with new ones. If you want your bottom line to be bigger in 2014 than 2013; your attendance is not an option – it's mandatory.

27th January 2014

London Ball London www.retailtrust.org.uk

Retail Trust is known by the retail sector and beyond for its rich array of events each year, including the exquisite dinners and balls in London, Manchester and Glasgow, the exciting sponsored treks and challenges, and other fundraising events. 

You can also donate prizes to our charity events for inclusion into goody bags, tombolas and auctions.