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Weird Wide Web

Christmas shopping can provoke a slew of emotions – frustration, desperation, blind panic…but one of the unexpected benefits of shopping online at this time of year is finding out how many strange, unusual, ridiculous or extravagant gifts are available to purchase online.

So with the festive season well and truly underway, we asked some of our team members to share the weird and wonderful items they’ve found on their Christmas shopping travels around the web…


“Waking up in the dark is one of the hardest parts of my day in the winter, but luckily I’ve found the perfect gift that will make my mornings a bit more bearable, and that’s this potato alarm clock. Hopefully the weirdness of being woken up by a root vegetable will give me the oomph I need to get out of bed in the mornings!”


“There are some days when you need an eraser on the end of your pencil…and there are some days you need a catapult. Anyone who doubts that the pen is mightier than the sword will be eating their words when they get a well-aimed paper missile between the eyes with this pencil catapult.”


“We all know that cats like to think they are the coolest pets by far and I think this "DJ Cat" scratching turntable might just prove them right…After all, what pet would want to scratch the furniture when you could look like you’re mixing some sweet tunes with your claws?"

Have you found any strange and unusual Christmas gifts whilst browsing the web? If so, we’d love to hear about them! Let us know in the comments...