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Panic buying the PS4!


The highly anticipated PS4 was released on the 29th November and with 250,000 units sold in just 48 hours, it smashed all sales records for a new console. So is it now possible to get one in time for Christmas?

If you’re anything like me at Christmas time (leaving everything to the last minute) you probably wouldn’t have pre-ordered the PS4 that your other half/family member has been hinting about since April. In my defence, I had no idea that getting my hands on one would turn into one of the most stressful weeks of my life!

After reading all the news reports about it being out of stock everywhere my heart sank. My fiancé thought that I'd already ordered it and had asked his family to only buy him PS4 games for Christmas. I was in serious trouble and I thought (and you’re probably thinking) there’s no hope in getting one now - but I did!

You might have already heard that ‘phase 3’ stock of the consoles is seeping into the stores as we speak. This is true but be careful, these will come and go quicker than you can say ‘Sony’.

After Googling things like ‘PS4 stock’, ‘PS4 availability’, ‘PS4 before Christmas’ and even ‘I really need a PS4 before Christmas please help me’ I realised that there were a few consoles being sold - but for double the price!

I also saw some PS4 bundles being sold again for crazy prices. My advice, stay away from these until you are 100% sure you can’t get one anywhere else. At this point though, I was seriously considering buying one of the hideously expensive ones, I just wanted one in my hands and wanted the stress to be over.

Then I found stockinformer.co.uk. This website tracks availability of popular products across the retail industry and alerts you when it finds stock ­ you have to be quick though, this website is becoming pretty popular. After 10 minutes of looking at the site it alerted me on new PS4 stock that Amazon had in, and I got it even though the stock was gone in 4 minutes (did I mention you have to be quick?!). It's also worth having the numbers of all the stores near you that are likely to get the phase 3 stock before Christmas and call them daily. Some of the stores getting more stock include, ASDA, Tesco, Game, Argos and John Lewis.

My advice would be to leave stockinformer.co.uk open and as soon as you see an alert, get clicking! For those of you who were organised and already have the PS4, this website is also tracking stock of other ‘must have’ Christmas products such as Furby Booms, the Nintendo 2DS, Lucy the dog and the Xbox one.

Good luck to all the last minute shoppers out there! I hope this helps and let me know if you get one!

Tash :)