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Thomas Sabo

Find out more about Thomas Sabo

About Thomas Sabo

Thomas Sabo is an innovative and globally renowned lifestyle brand based in Lauf an der Pegnitz, southern Germany.

Thomas Sabo employs more than 380 people at its home location and internationally Thomas Sabo has around 1,300 employees. Its one of the leading providers in the jewellery, watches and beauty segment. The list of metropolitan centres with their own shops ranges from Berlin via Stockholm, Paris, London, Los Angeles, Toronto, Hong Kong to Sydney.

Number of stores:

133 stand-alone shops and 108 concessions



Fun Facts

Globally Thomas Sabo co-operates with approximately 3,000 jewellers and the leading airlines and airport destinations.

Thomas Sabo always present their creations twice yearly in parallel with the major ready-to-wear shows in Paris, Milan and New York.